Wings of summer: bee and flower painting
Wings of summer: bee and flower painting
Bring a touch of nature into your home. A summery nature painting of a bumble bee hovering alongside a blue agapanthus. Framed and ready to hang. Created plein air in the Otley sunshine.
Medium: Framed original acrylic painting on paper
Framed dimensions: 30 by 25 cm (approx.)
Completed: 2023
Artist notes: Created as part of a series of charming acrylic painting studies. Each bee and bloom painted from observation in Yorkshire. The meditative process of painting bees from life is so good for my soul. If you're looking for something summery and soulful, this is the nature-inspired series for you.
This artwork is professionally mounted and framed behind non-reflective art glass. The stylish frame is a dark grey with bevelled edge, that complements the artwork effectively.
This painting was featured at Wildlife Friendly Otley's October 2023 exhibition.