Mini musical musings – part 3 – Messager
Continuing my musical musings, today's tutu Tuesday blog post celebrates André Messager's delightful score for The Two Pigeons. Another ballet score that I love to paint to.
Originally a French ballet for the Paris Opéra, Les Deux Pigeons, is a two act romantic comedy based on Jean de la Fontaine's fable. It was first performed in Paris in 1886. However, in 1961, British choreographer Frederick Ashton, recreated it for the Royal Ballet with both the touring company and the main company performing it that year. His version shows off his narrative and comic genius to perfection.
I first fell in love with The Two Pigeons in the mid 1980s. The UCT ballet students were performing it at the Baxter Theatre. Lucky me, was selected to join them as one of the young extras in the first act. Here I am backstage at Cape Town's Baxter Theatre, all ready to go on stage:
Peachy! And a lovely dress to dance in, that skirt moved beautifully.
Very fortunate to have had this opportunity. Not just to dance in Pigeons but also to be in all the rehearsals watching and learning the choreography for the main characters. It was the first time I learnt what a "shimmy" is! Although I still don't think I've ever truly mastered that dance move. Hehe.
Watching The Two Pigeons live at the Royal Opera House is definitely on my wish list. I only managed to catch the live cinema relay last time but it was magical to watch it again and relive the memories.
Happy tutu Tuesday all!